Verily true
When a person, through application of
his physical / mental faculties achieves some success, his sense of I’ness gets
further accentuated. He gets a feeling
that the achievement is the result of his own efforts. Guru Sahib states the truth that the whole
world has been created by Almighty and is perishable. Only Almighty Himself is the eternal Truth. Along with Him, His Name too is true. As per Guru Sahib one ought to say this,
feeling utmost filled with abundant love and happiness:
True Lord, true (His) Name,
said (with) emotional abundance.
Further Guru Sahib explains that it is the bountiful Almighty
Himself Who fulfils everybody’s wishes.
(People) demand,
(and) beg (of
to) give (and) give,
Lord gives (them)
Almighty Himself is the source of fulfillment of wishes of everyone,
then is it possible to please Him by offering to Him any worldly present or
what (offering,
placed before (Him),
(His) court (may be) glimpsed?
What prayer
can be made unto Him?
be) spoken (from) mouth,
hearing which,
would) bestow (His) love?
leaving any scope for doubt, Guru Sahib has given the candid answer that
getting up early in the morning, reciting Divine Name and pondering over
Almighty’s praises is the way to earn His grace:
(At the) time (of) pre-dawn,
Ponder (on
the) true Name (and His) praises.
Rumination of Divine Name and
recitation of Gurbani, understanding the full import of its
meaning, is itself pondering over His praises.
Guru Sahib explains that human life has been granted to an individual by
The Almighty.
(His) benevolence,
begets (human) body,
(His) grace (gets us,
the) door (of) deliverance.
He is to be praised, not with any wish, but by being devoid
of desires, because the resultant benefit / salvation for one’s soul is to flow
not because of his own efforts but due to Almighty’s grace. But at the same time, only those are eligible
for His grace, who have toiled and made effort in this direction.
Guru Sahib clearly instructs that one
must feel the whole worldly creation as The Almighty personified:
Nanak (says), consider as (if),
(The) truthful (Almighty) Himself (is) Everything.
There is thus but
One Almighty and He is Truth all by Himself.
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